2023 Schwalbe British 4X Series – Rounds 4 & 5: Shredhill

Last weekend, rounds 4 & 5 of the 2023 Schwalbe British 4X Series took place at Shredhill in Gloucestershire. This iconic track with the most amazing views has a huge history as being one of the best 4X race tracks in the UK. This weekend it did not disappoint providing edge of your seat racing in every lap.

A cornerstone of the British 4X Series for many years, Shredhill is fast, flowing and always a favourite for riders and spectators. With fun jumps, high berms and split lines on the track, racing is always amazing. With the sun shining all weekend, the scene was set for a great weekend of racing.

Saturday – Round 4:

Scott got on track for the first time for practice on Saturday morning to get his lines dialled and get ready for racing. All was going great and he looked fast. However. It is worth mentioning now that he has tonsillitis…… However. He looked good and was always thinking about the bigger picture as we move through the series. 

The British 4X Series uses the moto system for qualification which means Scott would race 3 qualifying races against different riders to qualify through to the knockout rounds.

Racing got underway at 12.00. Scott rode flawless and took 3 convincing wins in his motos. He looked great on track and was laying down some seriously fast laps. Admittedly at the finish line, he was hanging, but he was making it work.

In the final, Scott chose gate 1. Saving his best till last, Scott made a perfect start and checked out. Laying down a perfect lap and pulling a big lead, Scott raced past the team pit area nodding and already celebrating before the finish line. With a big whip over the finish jump, he punched the air with delight as he took the win.

“I could not be any happier. A perfect race day doesn’t come along too often but we have been able to nail it today. Thank you to everyone for their support. We go again tomorrow”.

Sunday – Round 5:

Sunday morning arrived and again we were greeted by blue skies. The track was even better than Saturday and was running really fast.

In the motos, Scott didn’t have it all his own way. Taking a second in motos 1 and 2, with passes galore and a pair of seconds, he rode a great last moto to win. The crowds were cheering as the Elite riders had brought their A game to round 5 and the racing was incredible.

Onto the final. Scott chose gate 1. It hadn’t been the favoured gate all day as the first turn high low move from gate 4 had been working so well.

Scott made his best gate of the weekend and then proceeded to catch the other riders off guard in turn 1. Instead of hugging the inside, he shot to the outside and then railed turn 1. The high low move that had caught riders out all day was now cancelled out. However the action shifted to turn 2 as a rider dived inside of Boom Boom. He carried so much speed around the outside berm that on the exit, with cm’s to spare he shot onto the third straight in the lead. From here it was all about hitting the marks and riding a clean lap. Scott crossed the line with a big lead and was ecstatic.

“That was one of the most incredible British 4X Series races ever. We are so lucky to be able to do this amazing sport. Thank you to all my sponsors, the series organisers and British Cycling. The British 4X team for putting this race on and finally the crowd for cheering us all on in that final. It was intense but the crowd made it incredible.”

Now the team are already on route to Val Di Sole in Italy for round 3 of the 2023 4X ProTour which takes place this Friday night. Then the team will drive back across Europe on Saturday so that Scott can race in round 6 of the British BMX Series on Sunday in Gosport. It’s certainly a busy week, but Scott is riding great and we are ready for it.

We look forward to reporting back next week from the hectic week ahead.

Race Report – 4X ProTour Round 2: Dobrany, Czech Republic

The third round of the 2023 4X ProTour took place at Dobrany Bikepark in Czech Republic yesterday. With big crowds watching all weekend, this race is certainly here to stay on the ProTour. The track was huge. Big jumps, high speed and a real challenge for all the riders.

Scott arrived at the track on Thursday and was excited to ride the track on Friday for the first official practice session.

On Friday, riders had 3 hours to get to grips with this crazy track. It took Scott most of the session to really dial in the track. It was huge and a lot to work on to get up to speed and dial the tyre choice in. By the end of the session though, Scott was certainly looking quick and we were focused on a great result on Saturday.

Qualifying and the race took place on Saturday, so riders had to be ready for a full day of action. Seeded number 3 into this event, so he would go third from the end. Scott made a great start and put together a great run. He crossed the line in 3rd position. He was happy and felt good going into racing as the team immediately leapt into action getting the race bike prepared for the racing.

Racing went well for Scott winning his early heats and moving through to the semi finals. Scott now found himself on gate 2 and a good start would be essential. He was clearly in the mood. He made a great start and battled down the first straight. After a bump and a bang Scott settled into 2nd. He was under some pressure in the lower corners but he rode them perfect and took the qualifying spot into the final.

In the final, Scott had gate 2. The gate dropped and Scott got pinched but he made a great move in turn 1 and dived inside. A bump later and he was in 3rd. He used every trick he has to get into 2nd, hounding him all the way but he could not make it past. Across the line he finished 3rd. A solid day and another podium result which has moved him into 3rd overall in the World Series.

In the finish area Scott said: 

“I can’t believe it. I am so annoyed with myself. I had the speed in the final and I messed up. It’s on me. I just couldn’t find a way past and I am absolutely gutted. There’s nothing else to say. This one got away and it stings pretty bad.”

The result, although disappointing for Scott, was a fantastic race. Just imagine being so consistently fast that you are that annoyed finishing 3rd in a World Championship event……. This result now moves him up to 3rd overall in the 2023 4X ProTour overall rankings. His consistency with podiums at every race so far is paying off. There are 2 rounds left and he is certainly fighting for the overall title.

The next round is at the end of June at the teams favourite track Val Di Sole in Italy. Let’s keep the momentum going.

Thank you to all our team partners for your support in 2023.

All images by Charles Robertson

Schwalbe British 4X Series Round 2 & 3

Rounds 2 and 3 of the 2023 Schwalbe British 4X Series took place in Falmouth, Cornwall last weekend. After a great start to the season in 4X and BMX, team rider Scott Beaumont, was feeling good and he was looking for another couple of podiums.

A strong 5th last week at 4X ProTour in Germany was seriously impressive and coming into this weekend he wanted to continue this form.

Arriving on Friday Scott began his weekend with a practice session on the track. Over the years this track has been very good to Scott and straight away he looked comfortable.

Saturday – Round 2:

The weather was perfect and Scott was clearly in the mood. A good practice session and some gates that looked perfect and he was ready to race.

In his 3 qualifying races, he took the holeshot in two of them and simply checked out. In the other moto he made a big mistake on the start straight and finished 3rd. He was looking good and focused for the semi final. In the semi final he chose gate 2. Again made a great start but got squeezed on the first turn. He went on to finish 2nd and sealed his final place.

Onto the final. He chose gate 3. The beeps went and Scott fired out of the gate. Into turn 1 it was tight but Scott got shuffled back to 3rd. Then he moved to 2nd, back to 3rd and then into 2nd again. He set off in pursuit but across the finish line it was close, but Scott finished 2nd.

Sunday – Round 6:

Sunday and again we woke to blue skies and a perfect day for racing. The track had a few changes for Sundays race which would really spice up the racing. 

The same format for Sunday with 3 qualifying races to start the day. Scott was leading his first moto but made a huge mistake and crashed out. He remounted to finish 3rd. He then went on to win his next 2 races comfortably.

In the semi final Scott made a good gate but got pushed wide in turn 1. He slotted into 2nd but then slipped back to 3rd. On the pro line straight, Scott powered back into 2nd. In the final turn things got tight again and across the finish line it was a photo finish, but Scott just got the nod, to finish 2nd and move to the final.

Into the final and Scott chose gate 3.His strategy was to lead from the start, but if he didn’t to dive inside in turn 1. He made a good gate and powered down the first straight. But then a veteran move, he braked and dived inside. He moved into 2nd and then the lead, but then was repassed. He sat in 2nd and tailed all the way to the finish line but couldn’t make a pass. It was 2nd again for Scott.

“I felt great on the bike all weekend and I am always happy to land on the podium. We took some good points this weekend as we focus on the overall title. Now it’s home and a quick turnaround as we head to Czech Republic for round 2 of the 2023 4X ProTour next weekend.”

The teams next event will be round 2 of the 2023 4X ProTour in Dobrany, Czech Republic on Saturday 3rd June.

Thank you again to all our sponsors for your support in 2023.

4X ProTour 2023 – Round 1: Winterberg, Germany

The first round of the 2023 4X ProTour took place at Winterberg in Germany at the huge IXS Dirtmasters festival on Saturday. With huge crowds watching all weekend, this festival is certainly one of the biggest events in Europe and its amazing to have 4X ProTour there. The 4X track has undergone a complete transformation so we were excited to get there and get racing.

Scott had worked with the organiser on the track improvements and they had come up with a totally new layout. During first practice the riders were excited about the changes. Much more open than previous years meant that passing was going to be easier and the crowds would certainly be entertained.

during round 1 of The 2023 4X Pro Tour at Winterberg, , Rheine, Germany on May 18 2023. Photo: Charles A Robertson

Practice on Friday went well. Scott had the track dialled and looked good. The weather forecast was great all weekend and the track was dry.

Qualifying and the race took place on Saturday, so riders had to be ready for a full day of action. Seeded number 2 into this event, after his 2nd overall in the 2023 4X ProTour, Scott exploded out of the gate seeking the fastest time. The gate dropped and Scott smashed a great run, hitting all his lines. He crossed the finish line with the fastest time to that point. Unfortunately Tomas Slavik, the 2022 4X ProTour Champion was able to just beat Scott’s time. However. The team were happy and Scott went into racing with the 2nd fastest time of the day. He was happy and felt good going into racing.

With a practice session before the race, Scott decided to change his gearing to help make a better start. It was going to be crucial, so he rolled the dice.

Racing went well for Scott winning his early heats and moving through to the quarter finals. In the quarter final Scott made another good start and led that race too from start to finish. 

In the semi final Scott chose gate 2. He made a good start but after a bump got squeezed on the first straight. Into turn 1 he was battling extremely hard but was on the outside and had to hit the brakes before going through the tape. With ground to make up he set off in pursuit. Catching up to 2nd place, Scott made his move and dived into 2nd. It was a great pass, but then in the final turn he got passed back. It was the race of the day, but unfortunately Scott was into the small final to determine the 5th to 8th place riders. Scott wanted that 5th place and final spot on the podium!

The gate dropped and Scott was on point. Taking the holeshot, Scott didn’t look back, checking out and taking the win. Another good result for Scott landing on the podium. His speed was incredible all day and with the next 4X ProTour in only 2 weeks away, we are confident of a great year ahead.

In the finish area Scott said: 

“That was a good day. The first straight is super technical and quite narrow. I battled hard in that semi final and I’m gutted to not have made the final, but coming back to win the small final feels good and it’s a podium to start the year. The goal all year is top 5’s so that we can chase the overall World title. We are on course.”

Thank you to all our team partners for your support in 2023.

during round 1 of The 2023 4X Pro Tour at Winterberg, , Rheine, Germany on May 20 2023. Photo: Charles A Robertson